selected for canon student masterclass at visa pour l'image perpignan 
09/2018 until 07/2019
Practical year in Paris

Since 10/2016
Munich University of Applied Sciences, Department of Design (Photodesign)

09/2015 until 07/2016
International Munich Art Lab (IMAL) 
Vocational technical diploma (Fachabitur)
Work experience
09/2018 until 07/2019
Intern at Laura Stevens for portrait shootings
Since 05/2018
Assistant at Martin Nink for fashion shootings
Since 04/2018
Assistant at Christoph Seeberger for industial and architecture shootings
03/2018 until 07/2018
Portrait project with Frank Bauer “Identity“ 
01/2018 until 08/2018
Student Assistant at the University of Applied Sciences Munich, for University Communications
09/2017 until 03/2018
Student trainee at CinePostproductions for film reastauration and retouching on a weekly base
10/2017 until 02/2018
Student project with the heye agency “Advertising - between art and commerce“ (creating several concepts for two clients) 
Since 10/2016
Assistant at Jörg Mette for fashion and beauty shootings, later on representing him at events and other assignments 
Since 04/2016
Assistant at Patrick Frost for events and portrait shootings
01/2016 until 02/2016
Intern at still life studio Andreas Achmann in Munich
Less than 5 times
Carolin Fries, Marc Wittokwski and Clara Ferrand
I discovered photography through my father. He taught me the basics of the art of photography and also of photo technology. Thanks to him I had early access to professional equipment and was able to hone my skills.  My enthusiasm for photography grew with every new skill learned and I became determined to make this my main occupation. After high school, I immediately applied and was accepted to the International Munich Art Lab (IMAL), an art laboratory where 60 young people work for one year with different artists and designers. Since starting university I have continued to practice my photography skills through study-assignments as well as in my free time. 
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